Lockheed Martin Skunk Works Unveils NASA’s Newest X-Plane


As stated in the AV Times, January 16, 2024, Lockheed Martin Skunk Works unveiled the X-59, an experimental aircraft designed to reduce the sonic boom associated with supersonic flight. The rollout ceremony, held on January 12 in Palmdale, marks a significant milestone in collaboration between Lockheed Martin and NASA to address the challenges of supersonic travel.

The X-59 aims to transform the disruptive sonic boom into a softer thump, potentially revolutionizing commercial flight. Lockheed Martin executives emphasized the importance of this project, highlighting the teamwork and innovation that led to its development.

Before its first scheduled flight later this year, the X-59 will undergo essential ground tests, including engine and taxi tests. Following this, it will enter an acoustic testing phase, involving flights overpopulated areas. The data collected will be used to inform U.S. and international regulators, aiding in the development of new rules for quiet commercial supersonic flight over land.

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