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The Inland Empire is located in San Bernardino County and Riverside County. It surrounds Los Angeles and includes the Victor Valley. The Victor Valley includes the thriving communities of Apple Valley, Adelanto, Hesperia, Victorville, and Silver Lakes.
Victorville is home to the famous Southern California Logistics Airport (SCLA), which is home to many billion dollar companies such as Boeing, General Electric, Dr Pepper/Snapple, Newell Rubbermaid, and FedEx. SCLA is now poised to become one of the largest International Cargo Airports in the United States.
The Inland Empire also includes Barstow, Kramer Junction, and Newberry Springs in San Bernardino County.
According to the Victorville Daily Press, June 15, 2023, San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors approved a $9.5 billion budget for the new fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023.
Read More >>As mentioned in the Victorville Daily Press, February 22, 2023, home sales in California inched up in January 2023 for the second straight month as interest rates continued to
Read More >>According to International Railway Journal, November 16, 2022, BRIGHTLINE West says that it is hoping to begin construction on the long-planned 418.5km Las Vegas, Nevada, to Southern California high-speed
Read More >>As stated in an article in the Victorville Daily Press, August 24, 2022, about $24 million in roadway improvements projects are coming to the Cajon Pass area south of the
Read More >>As stated in an article in the Victorville Daily Press, August 23, 2022, California’s labor market continued to expand in July 2022, with total nonfarm employment growing by 84,800
Read More >>According to the Victorville Daily Press, July 11, 2022, the total taxable value of real estate in San Bernardino County jumped 9.3% last year to $288 billion as home
Read More >>As mentioned in the Antelope Valley Times, June 30, 2022, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a motion that will have the county join a new High Desert Corridor
Read More >>According to the Orange County Register, March 28, 2022, new US Census Bureau stats tell us the Inland Empire added 47,601 people in the year ended July 2021, the
Read More >>As mentioned in the High Desert Daily, January 2, 2022, the San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board has released its Economic Outlook for 2022. As expected, the logistics sector
Read More >>As stated in an article in the Victorville Daily Press, August 14, 2021, San Bernardino County grew by more than 140,000 people, or 7.2%, over the past 10 years, according
Read More >>According to, April 30, 2021, as the housing market gets leaner, potential buyers are turning in record numbers to new construction, but several factors are making those homes
Read More >>As mentioned in the Victorville Daily Press, April 9, 2021, Caltrans recently began a $2.2 million resurfacing project. The nearly 140-mile project will include the resurfacing of bridge deck approaches and departures; side
Read More >>As stated in an article in the Victorville Daily Press, March 19, 2021, thousands of small satellites launched by SpaceX may soon provide high-speed internet access to remote areas of
Read More >>According to Realtor Magazine, February 19, 2021, the nation’s leading land brokers report both an increase in business and an uptick in land values as rural land grew in
Read More >>According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, April 21, 2023, Brightline West is planning to build a train station in Las Vegas, Nevada, for its anticipated high-speed train project. Photos were provided to the Las Vegas Review-Journal by Brightline that show the train station is expected to be constructed on Las Vegas Boulevard between Blue Diamond Read More
This Website contains CONFIDENTIAL TRADE SECRET INFORMATION owned by Professional Land Corporation and/or its affiliated companies. This information is protected by applicable state law and may be protected by the Federal Economic Espionage Act OF 1996 (18 U.S. C. Sec. 1832), which provides for imprisonment of up to ten years and a fine of $250,000 for individuals and a fine of up to $5,000,000 for organizations for stealing, receiving, transmitting, modifying, publishing, reproducing, possessing and/or duplicating any information contained herein unless you have obtained the prior written consent of Professional Land Corporation.
Copyright 2002-2025© Professional Land Corporation™ All Rights Reserved. The reproduction, duplication, distribution, publication, modification, copying or transmission of text and images from this Site is STRICTLY PROHIBITED unless you have obtained the prior written consent of Professional Land Corporation.
No warranties or representations are made whatsoever as to the investment merit or profit potential, the current and future market value, the current and future zoning, the resale potential, and/or the potential for future use or development of all or any portion of any land parcel. As a condition of purchasing any property, prospective buyers are required to rely solely upon their own independent analysis, investigation and due diligence before entering into an agreement to purchase a property. Furthermore, prospective buyers shall not rely on the information provided by this Website, the Seller and/or Seller's Agent in purchasing any property. Professional Land Corporation is the exclusive agent that represents only the Seller, and is affiliated with the Seller through common ownership. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. The information contained in this Website is believed to come from reliable sources, but is not guaranteed.
Any property offered for sale in this Website is subject to prior sale, price change or withdrawal from the market without notice.
No warranties or representations are made as to the accuracy of the Google Translate Program.