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According to Wikipedia, Newberry Springs is located approximately 20 miles east of Barstow. It is accessible via I-15 and I-40. Encompassing about 117 square miles, it is probably the only area in California that offers 5 professional championship ski lakes, several private ski lakes, and five jet ski boat lakes.
Newberry Springs can boast about the Horton Water Ski School, which has been regarded as one of the finest water ski schools in the world. The beautiful Wet Set Village in Newberry Springs has shade trees, flowers and manicured lawns, and has featured water ski tournaments that have been shown on ESPN. Another lake in the Newberry Springs area is the privately owned Cheyenne Lake, which offers water skiing and jet skiing.
Newberry Springs is also known for its agriculture. Irrigated by the Mojave Aquifer, the largest aquifer in the Western United States, Newberry Springs produces some of the best pistachios in the world. The climate in Newberry Springs is mild and ideal for many crops, including pistachios, apricots and alfalfa. Newberry Springs is also known for its farming operations, which include ostrich, buffalo, duck, turkey, catfish, and tropical koi fish. The average high temperature in the summer is 100-110 degrees. In the winter, lows generally get into the 20’s, but a dry cold temperature.
The Victorville Daily Press mentioned on October 30th, 2024, that the Mojave Desert town of Newberry Springs, renowned for its pistachio farms, will host the 26th Annual Pistachio Festival
Read More >>As mentioned in the Victorville Daily Press, February 13, 2022, Investors plan to transform an abandoned Newberry Springs waterpark into a commercial mega-hub with new manmade lakes, a 5,000-person amphitheater
Read More >>As stated in an article in the Victorville Daily Press, April 30, 2018, San Bernardino County Public Works will be completing a surface seal project in the Newberry Springs
Read More >>According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, April 21, 2023, Brightline West is planning to build a train station in Las Vegas, Nevada, for its anticipated high-speed train project. Photos were provided to the Las Vegas Review-Journal by Brightline that show the train station is expected to be constructed on Las Vegas Boulevard between Blue Diamond Read More
This Website contains CONFIDENTIAL TRADE SECRET INFORMATION owned by Professional Land Corporation and/or its affiliated companies. This information is protected by applicable state law and may be protected by the Federal Economic Espionage Act OF 1996 (18 U.S. C. Sec. 1832), which provides for imprisonment of up to ten years and a fine of $250,000 for individuals and a fine of up to $5,000,000 for organizations for stealing, receiving, transmitting, modifying, publishing, reproducing, possessing and/or duplicating any information contained herein unless you have obtained the prior written consent of Professional Land Corporation.
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