LACo Supervisors Move Forward $1.6B Bus and Rail Car Manufacturing Center in Palmdale

As mentioned in the AV Times, January 10, 2024, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has approved a motion to enter into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with L.A. Metro and the City of Palmdale to establish a large bus and passenger rail car manufacturing facility in Palmdale. It was emphasized that the project’s potential to significantly benefit the Antelope Valley, projecting $11.5 billion in economic returns and over 114,300 jobs.

The facility, referred to as the Center for Transportation Excellence, aims to address a gap in transit vehicle development and will provide training for future transportation operators and maintenance professionals. Collaboration among multiple stakeholders is expected to lead to inclusive planning.

A preliminary site plan was presented for a 2 million-square-foot center located on approximately 8.6 square miles of land near Palmdale Airport. The MOU outlines several upcoming tasks, including the development of a governance strategy and the appointment of a Regional Innovation Officer to oversee the project.

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