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According to the Victorville Daily Press, June 15, 2023, San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors approved a $9.5 billion budget for the new fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023. The budget includes $504 million in investments for public safety, county parks, economic development, and infrastructure.
Bridges and roadways – Bridges and roadways in the Victor Valley will receive partial funding for several First District capital Improvement projects, which include replacing the Rock Springs Road Bridge that spans the Mojave River between Apple Valley and Hesperia. The project will replace the existing two-lane low water crossing with a new two-lane bridge for an estimated total cost of $16.2 million, with the county paying nearly $250,000. The Ranchero Road widening and rehabilitation project, from near Mariposa Road to Seventh Avenue in Hesperia, will receive nearly $9.7 million. The overall project includes the removal of the two-lane Ranchero Road and the construction of a five-lane roadway complete with new traffic signals at Maple, Cottonwood, and Seventh avenues. The project also involves removing the existing two-lane bridge and constructing a new bridge over the California Aqueduct at an estimated cost of $16 million, a staff report shows. The county will pitch in $65,000 for the Shadow Mountain Road paving and bridge project in Helendale as part of the National Trails Highway bridges management plan. The completed Green Tree Extension Project and Bridge project will receive nearly $13.1 from the county.
Sheriff’s Department – Nearly $12.4 million will fund additional San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department personnel. To increase public safety, the sheriff’s department will add seven deputy positions at the Victor Valley Station and two deputy positions at the Barstow Sheriff’s Station. Using First District Supervisor Paul Cook’s discretionary funding, the county will provide $500,000 to fund two Adelanto deputy positions for one year at the Victor Valley Station.
San Bernardino County Fire – San Bernardino County Fire will receive a nearly $17 million budget increase for its North Desert Regional Service Zone, with over $3.5 million directed toward capital expenditures.
Regional parks – A portion of the contract includes $31 million earmarked for large-scale improvements and additional staff at nine regional parks, including Mojave Narrows Regional Park in Victorville and Calico Ghost Town near Barstow.
Additional funding – The San Bernardino County District Attorney’s office will receive $867,983 to continue filing abatement actions on landowners to prevent recurring illegal marijuana cultivation sites throughout the county. The new budget will invest $15 million from its general fund for victims of this winter’s severe blizzards in the San Bernardino Mountains. The county will invest $72.7 million in its Homeless Initiative Spending Plan to prevent and reduce homelessness. San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board will receive $500,000 for its Economic Recovery Business Services Outreach Support Program. This will allow the county to partner with local Chamber of commerce chapters to provide resources for small businesses struggling to hire and build their workforce.
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