Highway 395 to be extended to two lanes in each direction. U.S. Highway 395 is currently a two-lane highway, but with increasing traffic in the area, it is desperately in need of an expansion to a four-lane expressway. This Highway 395 widening project is exactly what Caltrans intends to do. The $483 million project will widen Highway 395 to Read More

Job Growth in the Inland Empire Continues
Inland Empire Job Growth Expected to Continue Climbing When it comes to determining the overall well-being of the economy, you must look at job growth in the local community. Currently, there is continuous job growth in the Inland Empire, which proves to be extremely beneficial for the economy of San Bernardino County as a whole. Numbers show Read More

Don’t Worry! The Victorville Hospital Project is on Track!
Rumors about scaling back the $261 million hospital project in Victorville have been debunked! Gossip in the local community began to stir while the project went through a standard pause in the development phase. However, during the most recent Victorville City Council meeting, St. Mary’s spokesman Ryan Orr cleared up misunderstandings, stating the Read More

Southwest Debuts New Aircraft Heart Brand at SCLA in Victorville
Southwest Airlines has been anticipating the launch of its new-look aircraft, the “heart” brand and has finally decided to go public with the announcement. In recent weeks, Southwest Airlines’ new “heart” brand plane landed at the Southern California Logistics Airport (SCLA) to film a commercial for its new aircraft. This was the first time the Read More