Southwest Airlines has been anticipating the launch of its new-look aircraft, the “heart” brand and has finally decided to go public with the announcement. In recent weeks, Southwest Airlines’ new “heart” brand plane landed at the Southern California Logistics Airport (SCLA) to film a commercial for its new aircraft. This was the first time the company went public about their new brand.
In addition to the commercial that is expected to debut shortly, the crew also took photographs at SCLA. Promotional efforts were heightened as the company flew the “heart” brand plane at low altitudes over the city of Victorville.
Southwest Airlines is not the first company to have the Southern California Logistics Airport as the backdrop of their company name. In fact, within the past two years, Ford, Jaguar, Subaru, and the popular television show 60 Minutes have all used the facility in their productions.
When these major companies choose the Southern California Logistics Airport for their productions, the entire city benefits. Not only does the airport facility benefit from these productions, but the city receives perks as well. The production crews benefit from the economy of the local community as they get to enjoy hotels, rental cars, and food, which act as an extra source of income to the city.
The divine setting and remote location of the Southern California Logistics Airport has proven to create an environment that is perfect for promotional efforts and benefiting the local economy as a whole.
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