Rumors about scaling back the $261 million hospital project in Victorville have been debunked! Gossip in the local community began to stir while the project went through a standard pause in the development phase. However, during the most recent Victorville City Council meeting, St. Mary’s spokesman Ryan Orr cleared up misunderstandings, stating the Read More

Expansion for Inland Empire Businesses to Enter Foreign Markets
Only time will tell if the Inland Empire chooses to expand its exports into foreign markets. As a key logistics hub, the U.S. Department of Commerce is continuing to encourage the Inland Empire to open up to the global market. Since nearly all imports that come into the United States through the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports come Read More

Barstow Joins the High Desert Regional Energy Leader Partnership
Barstow has officially joined Apple Valley, Hesperia, Victorville, and Adelanto in becoming members of the High Desert Regional Energy Leader Partnership. Recent City Council approval means great things for the entire partnership as a whole. This exciting program acts as an integrated technical and financial assistance program that provides Read More