Round Trip Journey From Victorville To Las Vegas For Under $100
A major announcement has just been made that will provide Los Angeles and Las Vegas residents with the utmost convenience. Without relying on state funds, we can expect a bullet train to travel from Southern California to Las Vegas thanks to recent Nevada legislature approval. With the high speed rail approved, we can expect traveling to be more convenient than ever!
This bullet train from Southern California to Las Vegas will be unique from the San Francisco to Los Angeles bullet train, as this railroad will not rely on state funds for survival. XpressWest has offered to build the 150 mile per hour train from Victorville to Las Vegas for approximately $7 billion by relying on federal grants and private investments, as opposed to state funds exhausted from their citizens.
Are you ready to start enjoying the many benefits this amazing project will yield once complete? One thing that is definite is our beautiful planet will thank us for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. For about $100, you can enjoy a round trip journey from Victorville to Las Vegas – imagine that!
Contact Professional Land Corporation if you want to learn more about high quality land for sale in the Inland Empire’s Victor Valley, Antelope Valley, or the Southern California surrounding areas. Professional Land Corporation has prime residential, commercial, apartment, and industrial zoned land parcels available with affordable down payments and excellent long-term financing options.