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According to Victor Valley News Group, December 21, 2022, plans to construct an approximate 1 million square foot warehouse in Victorville can move forward, as the Planning Commission approved the project at its recent December 14, 2022, meeting. In addition to the approval of the site plan, the applicant, Space Center Mira Loma, received approval to combine 17 parcels to create one parcel approximately 52 acres in size, at a site located north of, and abutting Ottawa Street and east of Hesperia Road, in an area zoned for Heavy Industrial. The building will be comprised of 986,194 square feet of warehouse space and 10,000 square feet of office space. The building is slated to operate as a cross-dock warehouse with the overall facility providing 306 truck-trailer parking spaces and 328 passenger vehicle parking stalls provided. The color palette of the exterior design will primarily consist of shades of grey and white with the use of faux wood siding in a walnut color to accent the main building entries, with reflective blue glass incorporated to provide additional contrast. The new upgrades in the area will include a traffic signal at the intersection of Hesperia Road and Ottawa Road. Several members of labor and trade unions spoke in favor of the project during the meeting, citing the potential for employment and economic growth for construction workers. The operation and maintenance of the Project would generate approximately 834 jobs, the City estimates based on available data, however that number can change.
This Website contains CONFIDENTIAL TRADE SECRET INFORMATION owned by Professional Land Corporation and/or its affiliated companies. This information is protected by applicable state law and may be protected by the Federal Economic Espionage Act OF 1996 (18 U.S. C. Sec. 1832), which provides for imprisonment of up to ten years and a fine of $250,000 for individuals and a fine of up to $5,000,000 for organizations for stealing, receiving, transmitting, modifying, publishing, reproducing, possessing and/or duplicating any information contained herein unless you have obtained the prior written consent of Professional Land Corporation.
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