For anyone who has been following new developments of the high speed train going from Victorville, CA to Las Vegas, NV will be pleased to know that more progress is being made. Virgin Trains USA, who already owns and operates a high speed rail line in Florida, announced they are finally ready to move forward with the Victorville to Vegas train Read More
Victorville to Vegas High-Speed Train Construction to Start in 2020
Victorville-Las Vegas Train Expected to be Completed by 2023
The highly anticipated high speed train from Victorville to Las Vegas, being built by Virgin Trains USA, is now expected to be completed by 2023. Originally projections were for the project to be finished by 2022. In early 2019 Virgin Trains USA began rail service for another project in Florida, running between Fort Lauderdale and Miami. A second Read More
Victorville May Have a High Speed Rail Station Operating by 2022
A high speed rail linking Victorville, CA to Las Vegas has been in the works for years and now the first phase of the project is projected to be operating by 2022, according to the chief operating officer at XpressWest, the company contracted to build the high speed rail line. The project will use fully electric trains traveling at speeds over 150 Read More
Abundant, highly affordable land makes the Victor Valley an ideal location for businesses. The Victor Valley is a booming region where several companies are relocating to the area because of its many benefits. One of those benefits is Victorville’s Global Access development. Global Access is made up of the 2,500-acre Southern California Read More
Boeing Expands Lease Agreement at SCLA
Over 8,000 square feet of hangar space has been approved for SCLA. The Victorville City Council has approved an amendment to Boeing’s standard lease agreement with Southern California Logistics Airport, resulting in an additional 8,618 square feet of space. Renewing a lease with Boeing is seen as a big achievement for SCLA. City Councilman, Read More