Shoppes at Spanish Trails to benefit the community of Barstow. Barstow is excited to bring the Shoppes at Spanish Trails to the area. The city entered into an exclusive negotiating agreement with the Developers of the project. A few weeks ago, representatives from the development team arranged to take state officials on a tour of Barstow to Read More
Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Legislation to Battle California’s Climate Change
Increasing Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency is a High Priority for California. Governor Jerry Brown is serious about his fight against climate control. Recently, the Governor of California signed two new goals into law at Griffith Observatory in L.A. Expanding renewable energy and increasing energy efficiency is what California is Read More
SoCal Boasts Largest Internal Migration Flow
The nation’s largest internal migration flow is happening right here in Southern California. The United State Census Bureau tracks and reports migration data throughout the country, indicating which places are becoming more desirable to live and which are losing their populations. Their more recent report revealed a surprising truth: one of the Read More
Still Hope For Victorville-to-Vegas Rail
Rail To Vegas Could Still Happen The conversation about a rail running from Southern California to Las Vegas is not a new one. In fact, dialogue about this mode of transportation has been ongoing for years. One of the more serious projects moving towards such a rail was spearheaded by XpressWest, a Las Vegas-based company who had plans to run a Read More