Railway Replacing 22,000 Ties Between Barstow and Cajon Pass
BNSF Railway has announced a recent 2015 capital program in efforts to enhance safety by means of capacity improvements. This project is expected to cost about $141 million as improvements are conducted throughout California.
BNSF Railway is replacing 22,000 ties between Barstow and the Cajon Pass in hopes of improving and maintaining the infrastructure. Approximately 118,000 ties are expected to be replaced throughout the state during the course of this railway improvement project.
This project was jumpstarted due to BNSF’s dedication to California and its operations. It is evident that operations in California are imperative to seeing success in today’s fast-paced, global economy, and ensuring an efficient supply chain is key in today’s marketplace. By completing necessary maintenance while simultaneously focusing efforts on expanding, these projects are expected to maintain and increase capacity flexibility and efficiency of these railways.
In total, approximately $6 billion will be put forth in planned capital investments in California. In addition to the 22,000 ties between Barstow and the Cajon Pass being replaced, the Tehachapi Rail Improvement Project and the expansion of the Stockton Intermodal Facility parking capacity are expected to be complete in 2015.
This railway enhancement project in combination with development projects in the region are all contributing factors to the continuous growth of Barstow and surrounding areas.
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