Las Vegas to Los Angeles rail line gets fresh support from China.
Talk about a rail line connecting Los Angeles to Las Vegas is not new, but it did gain new traction recently. The proposed high-speed rail line is now being backed by China Railways International USA CO, joining with XpressWest.
This partnership between China and XpressWest, based out of Las Vegas, joined together in early September according to the Xinhua News Agency. They report that the project should begin construction as soon as September of next year.
This rail, which would connect the two major metro areas, would have stations in Victorville and Palmdale and would service a large part of Los Angeles. The ultimate goal is to offer riders an 80-minute trip between Los Angeles and Las Vegas for the low price of under $100.
In order to do that, multiple billions of dollars need to be designated towards the building of the rail line. The project was stalled in 2013 when a government loan that would have provided $5.5 billion of the necessary funds was suspended. According to people close to the project, though, China’s involvement breathes fresh life into this major undertaking.
This project marks a significant step in international cooperation to help an American company build something China knows a great deal about: high speed railways. Since their nation already has 10,000 miles of high speed rail line with shrinking room for more, it makes sense for them to expand their efforts overseas.
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