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As stated in an article in the Antelope Valley Times, January 21, 2022, the city of Palmdale is inviting residents to help provide input on the proposed new Palmdale Regional Recreation Complex (PRRC), a state-of-the-art complex that would provide a multi-generational place of entertainment for city residents and guests of the community, offering indoor, year-round opportunities for social interaction, learning, fun, and fitness all in one location. Some of the potential amenities at the PRRC include an indoor gymnasium, indoor synthetic turf fields, outdoor synthetic turf fields, indoor walking track, multipurpose rooms, fitness rooms with lockers, rock wall, boxing ring, pump bicycle track, and handball, racquetball and pickleball courts. The facility could also include computer workstations, space for small informational seminars, or office/meeting space for local non-profits and schools to provide needed youth services. Other physical fitness options could be a playground geared towards those with cognitive or physical limitations, an indoor warm water therapy pool, an indoor cool water exercise pool, or water activities such as a wave rider or wave pool. Outdoor tiered grass seating for small bands and neighborhood events or a drive-in movie set-up is also a possibility.
This Website contains CONFIDENTIAL TRADE SECRET INFORMATION owned by Professional Land Corporation and/or its affiliated companies. This information is protected by applicable state law and may be protected by the Federal Economic Espionage Act OF 1996 (18 U.S. C. Sec. 1832), which provides for imprisonment of up to ten years and a fine of $250,000 for individuals and a fine of up to $5,000,000 for organizations for stealing, receiving, transmitting, modifying, publishing, reproducing, possessing and/or duplicating any information contained herein unless you have obtained the prior written consent of Professional Land Corporation.
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No warranties or representations are made whatsoever as to the investment merit or profit potential, the current and future market value, the current and future zoning, the resale potential, and/or the potential for future use or development of all or any portion of any land parcel. As a condition of purchasing any property, prospective buyers are required to rely solely upon their own independent analysis, investigation and due diligence before entering into an agreement to purchase a property. Furthermore, prospective buyers shall not rely on the information provided by this Website, the Seller and/or Seller's Agent in purchasing any property. Professional Land Corporation is the exclusive agent that represents only the Seller, and is affiliated with the Seller through common ownership. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. The information contained in this Website is believed to come from reliable sources, but is not guaranteed.
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