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Kramer Junction Expressway Construction Progressing
According to the Victorville Daily Press, April 27, 2018, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) continues to work on the estimated $191 million State Route 58 (SR-58) Kramer Junction Expressway Project, announcing it was approximately 6 percent complete as of April 23, 2018. With an expected completion date of late 2020, the project aims to close the last gap in a continuous four-lane expressway from U.S. 101 in San Luis Obispo County to State Route 14 and Interstate 40 in Barstow, allowing improved safety and a reduction in traffic congestion. The project re-aligns and widens 13 miles of SR-58, builds a new SR-58/US-395 interchange, and adds one railroad grade separation. The expressway will accommodate increased volumes of oversized vehicles that will help to reduce traffic congestion, improve reliability of good movement, extend pavement life and improve operational efficiency. General contractor Kiewit Infrastructure West Cooperation was awarded the project, which began in late 2017. Crews continue to work on clearing and grubbing (earthwork), utility relocations, environmental protection fence installations, and pile driving for overhead bridge columns. The new roadway is scheduled to open to traffic in 2021.