Experts report positive growth, predict more for the Inland Empire’s economy.
In the wake of the Great Recession, California’s economy had a split: economies along the coast were able to weather the storm fairly well, but inland economies struggled. Today, though, the economy statewide is strong thanks to growth in the Inland Empire.
In late September, around 700 people gathered to hear the good news at the sixth annual Inland Empire Economic Forecast Conference.
The experts speaking at this event reported that the Inland Empire now joins the top three economies in job growth in California, standing alongside Silicon Valley and San Francisco. That means that what was previously a struggling job market has now overtaken Los Angeles in terms of progress towards unemployment. These experts also noted that more job growth can be expected in the Inland Empire and the region should drop below 5 percent unemployment by the time we reach 2017.
Development is particularly notable in the professional and business services sector, where notable people at the Inland Empire Economic Forecast Conference remarked they’ve seen a number of high-paying jobs be created.
In order to continue this job growth, they say that the Inland Empire needs to stay ahead of the digital curve. As technology replaces more and more jobs, it will fall to the local economy to focus on workforce development, moving more people up and out of positions that could become automated.
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