Adelanto Solar Plant Contributes to Job Growth
The City of Adelanto and Clean Focus are excited to announce that the 3.75-megawatt solar project is up and running! The Adelanto Solar Plant contributes to job growth in San Bernardino County, meaning this project’s completion is extremely beneficial to the overall local economy. This solar panel plant began operating in the beginning of March, bringing one permanent full-time job and one permanent part-time job for maintenance and operations. Four new jobs were also gained during the construction phase of the project.
The Adelanto Solar Plan will be selling electricity to Southern California Edison under the California Renewable Energy Small Tariff program. This is a great move for California, and our society in general, as now, 20 acres of underutilized land will be able to contribute to the overall greater good of the world. Additionally, the solar plan will be able to yield clean and reliable electricity while simultaneously helping to reduce the unemployment rate through the city’s Green Energy Regional Center.
This unique project also benefited the Victor Valley economy during the construction phase, as all non-solar supplies and equipment was purchased locally from the Hesperia, Victorville, and Adelanto areas. In total, the solar plant is expected to cut carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 5,000 tons, which is equal to removing over 1,000 passenger vehicles on the road.
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